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Researching the brand

We screen all potential sellers’ websites and their product, material, about us and mission pages, before we reach out or get back to them, to check whether we’re looking at a 3, 2 or 1 star vegan brand and get a first impression of how ethical their businesses are.


Questioning the brand

If we’re interested in possibly onboarding them, we ask them to fill in our questionnaire(s) regarding their materials and/or ingredients, production and sales. Fashion and homeware brands need to fill in our vegan questionnaire; cosmetics and cleaning supply brands have to answer our additional animal testing questions too.


Meeting the brand

Based on the answers to these questionnaire(s) and how sure we are that their answers are complete and truthful, we determine for our vegan criterion whether we’re an ethical match or not (mind you: this is just one of our 5 main values). Only if they are, we continue by meeting them via a video call and get acquainted further. If all goes well, the seller managers hand the new brand’s collection over to the product managers who continue the onboarding process from there.


Onboarding the brand

Adding the newly verified collection to our platform is mostly an automated process, but in this stage too, a human check is involved for every single product that we add to our marketplace. Our product managers make sure that, especially in the case of 2 and 1 star vegan brands, no unwanted animal materials or ingredients work their way into our vegan collection.

We give a damn about our fellow animal earthlings. Therefore, every single thing you’ll find in our online department store is completely vegan.

Last edited: August 2022

This is one of our 5 main values. We're also:

Meaning: the leather of these shoes and bags isn’t the skin of a once living animal, but kindly made of plants, fruit waste or recycled ocean plastic. The care and makeup products are cruelty-free and made without any animal ingredients. Our knitwear never bleated, the silky smooth shirts are made of Tencel, not silkworms and even the buttons on our shirts didn’t have a life deep in the ocean – but are plant-based or from recycled synthetics too. Same goes for the dye, glue, prints and lining of all our goods: it’s all vegan.

Because if it were up to us, no animal would ever be exploited for their body again. Not to make a snazzy pair of sneakers out of, not sprinkled over your lunch, not to be crushed to get a nice red lipstick pigment or to be tested on. Why? It isn’t just unethical, it is also simply unnecessary in order to lead a fun, healthy, tasty, beautiful and stylish life.



A curated collection of the best vegan (friendly) brands we could find


How do we make sure our collection is all vegan?


Our verification process


Read our articles about vegan fashion & cruelty-free cosmetics


A curated collection of the best vegan (friendly) brands we could find

How do we make sure our collection is all vegan?

Our verification process

Read our articles about vegan fashion & cruelty-free cosmetics

A curated collection of the best vegan (friendly) brands we could find

We’ve partnered up with loads of mission-aligned, vegan-forward sellers championing a cruelty-free collection. Together we’re making compassion and sustainability the new normal – one sharp pair of pineapple leather shoes, organic cotton jeans without that leather patch on the back, or animal (testing) free mascara at a time.

We distinguish between three types of vegan items in our collection:


100% vegan brand: this item comes from a fully vegan brand that exclusively produces vegan items.

Vegan collection: this item comes from a not (fully) vegan brand, but is labelled and advertised as being vegan.

Vegan item: this item comes from a non vegan brand, but is upon enquiry, based on the materials, ingredients and/or statement by the brand almost certainly vegan.

How do we make sure our collection is all vegan?

Combining actual research with gut feelings

Our team of seller managers, all ethical vegans, has years of experience in vetting thousands of fashion and cosmetics brands. (Actually: it’s a skill that all of us started developing way before we did it professionally.)

We check and scrutinise thoroughly, we listen to our guts and we are committed to act on new insights to keep our existing collection as ethical as it’s intended to be. We will offboard any seller that no longer lives up to our continuously deepening ethical standards or doesn’t match emerging sustainability issues.

Before onboarding any new seller, we’ve got to be sure about them, and know that we’ll be able to sleep well that night knowing that we’re offering them a platform to hundreds of thousands of ethical consumers looking for a vegan find. We’ll search for more input until we’re confident we’re an ethical match. When we’re still in any doubt, a potential seller and their collection don’t make it to our platform. (Most of the brands we talk to, actually don't.)

How we verify


Researching the brand

We screen all potential sellers’ websites and their product, material, about us and mission pages, before we reach out or get back to them, to check whether we’re looking at a 3, 2 or...


Questioning the brand

If we’re interested in possibly onboarding them, we ask them to fill in our questionnaire(s) regarding their materials and/or ingredients, production and sales. Fashion and homeware brands...


Meeting the brand

Based on the answers to these questionnaire(s) and how sure we are that their answers are complete and truthful, we determine for our vegan criterion whether we’re an ethical match or not...


Onboarding the brand

Adding the newly verified collection to our platform is mostly an automated process, but in this stage too, a human check is involved for every single product that we add to our marketplace. Our...
